
2024-10-17 09:00:20
今天,中国科学院、国家航天局、中国载人航天工程办公室联合发布了我国首个国家空间科学规划《国家空间科学中长期发展规划(2024-2050年)》,提出了我国有望取得突破的5大科学主题和17个优先发展方向,描绘了至2027年、2028年至2035年、2036年至2050年三个阶段的科学任务规划,形成我国空间科学中长期发展路线图。 China unveiled a national mid and long-term development program for space science on Tuesday, which will guide the country's planning of space science missions and space research from 2024 to 2050. The program outlines the development goals of China's space science, including 17 priority areas under five key scientific themes, as well as a three-phase roadmap.图源:新华社其中,五大主题包括:主题1, “极端宇宙”。主要是探索宇宙的起源与演化,揭示极端宇宙条件下的物理规律。该主题下的优先发展方向包括: 暗物质与极端宇宙、宇宙起源与演化、宇宙重子物质探测。 The theme of extreme universe focuses on exploring the origin and evolution of the universe, revealing the physical laws under extreme cosmic conditions. The priority areas range from dark matter and extreme universe to the universe's origin and evolution, as well as the detection of cosmic baryonic matter, according to the program.主题2, “时空涟漪”。主要是探测中低频引力波、原初引力波,揭示引力与时空本质。优先发展方向是 空间引力波探测。 The theme of space-time ripples centers on detecting medium to low-frequency gravitational waves and primordial gravitational waves, with the goal of uncovering the nature of gravity and space-time. The priority area within this theme is space-based gravitational wave detection.主题3, “日地全景”。主要是探索地球、太阳和日球层,揭示日地复杂系统、太阳与太阳系整体联系的物理过程与规律。优先发展方向包括: 地球循环系统、地月综合观测、空间天气探测、太阳立体探测、外日球层探测。 The Sun-Earth panoramic view theme involves the exploration of the sun, the Earth, and the heliosphere to unravel the physical processes and laws governing the complex interactions within the Sun-Earth system. Priority areas include Earth's cycle systems, comprehensive observations of the Earth-Moon, space weather observation, three-dimensional solar exploration, and heliosphere exploration, according to the program.主题4, “宜居行星”。主要是探索太阳系天体和系外行星的宜居性,开展地外生命探寻。其优先发展方向包括: 可持续发展、太阳系考古、行星圈层刻画、地外生命探寻、系外行星探测。 Scientists will also explore the habitability of celestial bodies in the solar system and exoplanets, as well as search for extraterrestrial life. Key areas in the subject cover sustainable development, the origin and evolution of the solar system, characterization of planetary atmospheres, the search for extraterrestrial life, and exoplanet detection.主题5, “太空格物”。主要是揭示太空条件下的物质运动和生命活动规律,深化对量子力学与广义相对论等基础物理的认知。该主题下的优先发展方向包括: 微重力科学、量子力学与广义相对论、空间生命科学。 The theme of biological and physical sciences in space seeks to reveal the laws of matter movement and life activities under space conditions to deepen the understanding of fundamental physics, such as quantum mechanics and general relativity. Priority areas encompass microgravity science, quantum mechanics and general relativity, and space life science.这几个主题的名称和内容,科幻炫酷又富有浪漫主义色彩,一经发布便引发网友热议,纷纷表示这是“现实版《三体》上演”了! 据悉,规划的实施,有望为加快实现我国空间科学领域基础科学研究的革命性突破,为我国早日取得世界级重大科学成果,牵引空间技术跨代跃升,促进空间应用高质量发展,加速构建外空领域人类命运共同体,建设航天强国、科技强国提供有力支撑。厦门日报社微信矩阵综合:央视新闻 中国日报 中国载人航天新闻中心

